COVID-19 and Loneliness

Because the majority of my friends and family don't live alone as I do, I feel it's been pretty difficult for me to relate to their experiences during this crisis and vice-versa. Excessive loneliness has been a defining theme for me, and there is a significant amount of academic literature being produced that examines how humanity's response to COVID-19 is impacting loneliness and general mental health.

These are a few of the papers and reports I'll be going through in hopes of gaining more insight into the nature of the problem and how these issues might be mitigated during the current health crisis and future ones.

Loneliness: A signature mental health concern in the era of COVID-19 (Kilgore et. al 2020)

Safe but lonely? Loneliness, mental health symptoms and COVID-19 (Okruszek et. al 2020)

Loneliness, Isolation, and Social Support Factors in Post-COVID-19 (Salrzman et. al 2020)

The Trajectory of Loneliness in Response to COVID-19 (Luchetti et. al 2020)

Social isolation in Covid-19: The impact of loneliness (Banerjee, Rai 2020)

The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use (Panchal et. al 2020)